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Customer Help Centre

What can we help you with?

Payments / Insurance / Claims

  1. How do I make payment?

    We accept most major credit and debit cards, PayPal and PrePay. PrePay allows you to pay into an ... (read more)

  2. What is PrePay and what are the benefits?

    No one likes being slowed down, especially when it's not necessary. So how can you ensure tha... (read more)

  3. Are the Goods insured?

    Palletways provides levels of insurance which vary depending on where the order is placed. If ... (read more)

  4. What can I claim against?

    We only offer for claims against partial loss, whole consignment loss and damage.If you would lik... (read more)

  5. How to make a claim for damage?

    We highly recommend our customers to advise their recipients to check and inspect their goods upo... (read more)

  6. How to make a claim for partial loss?

    We highly recommend our customers to advise their recipients to check and inspect their goods upo... (read more)

  7. How to make a claim for whole consignment loss?

    In therare event your whole consignment is missing,you must submit a written confirmation to clai... (read more)

  8. Settlement

    Once the insurers come to a final settlement, we will confirm this with the account holder. Payme... (read more)

